Introduction - A Time to be Gay

It's no secret there has been an explosion in support for the anti-gay movement. In our generation, this will be our country's defining civil rights issue. Now is the time to be gay. Across the country we are seeing that kindness and passivity are not working for the gay rights movement. Our cause is as endangered now as it has been in recent history. Much of the bigotry and inequality comes from silence: silence at the dinner party where company is mixed and people are unfamiliar with the issue, silence when the opportunity arises to respond to a flippant comment from a rightist or a misguided Christian. I have collected a list of those flippant comments and crafted responses to them. With my first run of entries, I will present a collection of reasons the anti-gay movement just doesn't make sense. I have always been quiet and respectful toward people's opinions on homosexuality. But I have been wrong. My silence has contributed to the success of the anti-gay movement, and I will contribute not one more quiet moment.

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