Gay Relationships Don't Work

The following is taken from GayTruth:

Gay relationships don't last as long as straight relationships.
They just don't work.

Statistically, it CAN be said, on average, that gay relationships don't last as long; especially between two men.

Although it is easy to conclude that this is a direct result of their sexual orientation, we require a deeper insight in order to reveal the truth.

Can we conclude, in a similar manner, that couples between different cultures won't work? Or that partners where parents don't approve of the relationship might just as well not happen? Can we then blindly say that inter-race coupling or ones that aren't supported by parent figures aren't as valid? Or do we need to look at the way society marginalises and what effect that has on these couples?

Gay people struggle to nurture their relationships in a society that still offers none of the same support heterosexual couples value. There are internal and external problems faced by two men or two women as they create a life together, that heterosexual couples might just never experience. Some of these may even be subconscious.

A few examples:
  • inability to marry under the law
  • issues preventing couples from adopting
  • conflicting feelings based on religious beliefs
  • parents unacceptability of child's homosexuality
  • society's views/beliefs of homosexual relationships
  • lack of visible examples of long lasting gay relationships
  • subconscious self-sabotaging of relationships based on years of negative internalising
The truth is, committed relationships are more dependent on society approval than we think. The little "pats on the back" that help re-enforce its validity. The "congratulations" from strangers, the imagery we see everyday on TV, the grandparents celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, Ken and Barbie dolls...

The truth is, there are many, many gay relationships out there that have survived longer than most heterosexual marriages. These are sadly hidden from both the homosexual and gay community. After just a little digging, our promo video shows just a fraction of the hundreds of gay couples and families who "work". Wonderfully.

There is a lot to cover on this topic. Thankfully it has been addressed in detail by Betty Berzon, in her book "Permanent Partners : Building Gay and Lesbian Relationships That Last". With this, comes our first reading recommendation.

Further reading recommendations:

Betty Berzon - Permanent Partners - Building Lasting Gay and Lesbian Relationships

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